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How to create a system to stay organized?

Dear daughter, I want to show you how to create a system to stay organized today.

First, let’s start by defining what a system is.

In a management environment, we define a system as a collection of processes, people, technologies, and interfaces.

Notice that I said a management environment, yes, here we talk about management, how to manage our time, how to prioritize, how to plan, how to declutter, etc. all of them are about management.

There are other types of systems, like a software system, a system in mathematics, chemistry, etc.

We are mostly interested in management systems, as this type of system is the one that helps us to stay organized.

If you check our system definition, there are four things involved:

  1. Process
  2. People
  3. Technologies
  4. Interfaces

So, let’s start with the processes.

Table of Contents


A process is a set of steps, that executed in a certain order, will give you an expected result.

We use this daily, even though sometimes we don’t think about it.

Usually, we have a process to start our day. We wake up, stand up, go to the bathroom, brush our teeth, take a shower, get dressed, drink coffee, go to work. This may vary from person to person, but you get the idea.

Another process is related to cooking.

A rule of thumb is that when we do something, and we get good results, we write down the process so we can repeat it several times.

Here is an example: no matter where in the world you eat KFC, it will taste the same. How?

They identified and wrote down, a process for cooking KFC. So, every time they follow the same process, they get the same results. Interesting, isn’t it?

So, if you still don’t have your processes in writing, start looking at the things you repeat daily.


For instance, if you have a small business, in which you offer a service to customers, you will see different processes no matter what your service is:

  • Receiving your customer. When you hear a happy customer, saying the best place he/she arrived for the service you offer, think about what you did, what is that thing that made the customer feel so good, that he/she wants to come back? Imagine if you do the same for every customer. It will be great for the business, won’t it?
  • Let’s say you want to make sure that the customer feels awesome, and special, from the attention he/she gets from your business. What about calling a week later to ask how he/she feels about the service you offered? It is a kind of follow-up to know if everything went well with your service and if you can help him/her in any other way. Can’t imagine how it will be? Think if this was done to you, how would you feel? Will you go back? Will you give a good review of that business?

Notice how I mentioned above about the attention the customer gets from your business, not from you.

This is important because when you have these processes in place, it does not matter if you are there, working, every customer will feel the same. This is one goal every business might have. Even if the owner is not there, the service will be the same. This will release your time, so you can spend it the way you want.

Let’s say you don’t know where to start looking for processes. I already gave you two examples, but here are some tips.

Tips to identify processes

By now, if you follow my advice, you should have some goals written on paper. Also, a plan on how to achieve each goal.

Review the goals and the plans you are following to achieve those goals.

From there, you can identify things that you are repeating, and write them as a process.

Go into the details, and make sure you have processes for the most important things you are currently doing.

Another way to identify some processes is to look at the 20% of the things you do, that give you 80% of the results. The 80/20 principle, remember?

Look deep into that 20%, and you will find processes there.


It is common to have people involved in your processes.

Think about it, your business has a supplier (a company that sells you goods you need for running your business), for you to access the supplier, you do it through a person.

You might have some employees, a bookkeeper, a cleaner, etc.

These people, and probably more, are part of the system.

The happier these people are towards you and your business, the easier for you to offer the service your business is offering.


In today’s economy, technology is a must. History teaches us that businesses that succeed over the long term, are businesses that always use technology to grow and to innovate in the services they offer.

So, what technology do you use?

Do you need a specific machine to offer the service you offer? Is it the best machine?

If you upgrade the machine, will you be able to offer a better service? Or give service to more customers?

Do you use Facebook to promote your business? Or any other platform?

What software do you use for bookkeeping?

A detailed description of how each technology is used in your business is important.

The goal is to define how everything is done. So, if you are not around, the business will still run, and it will be profitable.

One tip here is to think if something that you do can be automated. If the answer is yes, then do it.

It will give you more time to do more of that important 20%.


This is about how one thing connects to another one in your system.

So, how a person should interact with a certain technology, how the result of using one technology is passed to another technology?

And that’s it. That is how you can identify the components of your system, so you can have actually a system.

As Robert Kiyosaki says, the difference between a big business and a small business is the system. The goal is to create a system for your business. Once you have the system, you can go on holiday for 1 year, and when you come back, your business will still be profitable, because of that system.

Imagine if having a system is so important, that if you cannot build a system, you can buy one. Yes, that is what franchises do. If you buy a KFC franchise, you are literally paying for the KFC system (recipes, customers system, employees’ system, etc.). Once you start using their system, you will sell the same quality fried chicken that all KFC franchises in the world are selling. See the power of it?

Some tips to get you started

  • Identify your needs. What do you need to do what you want to do? This could include a to-do list, a calendar, a filing system, or a system for storing and managing your belongings, growing your small business, etc.
  • Choose the right tools. There are many different tools available to help you with anything you need. Choose the tools that work best for you and your needs, and automate whenever possible.
  • Set up your system. Once you have chosen the right tools, set up your system. Remember you must define your processes, how they interface with each other, with the tools you want to use, and with the people involved.
  • Use your system regularly. Remember that consistency is the key. This will help you to advance in your goals and achieve more, and better results.
  • Review your system regularly. As your needs change and/or as you grow, you may need to adjust your system. Review your system regularly to make sure that it is still working for you.
  • Be simple. The simpler your system, the easier it will be to use and maintain.
  • Be flexible. Things don’t always go according to plan, so it’s important to have a system that is flexible enough to adapt to changes.
  • Be consistent. The more consistent you are with using your system, the more effective it will be.
  • Get help from others. As usual, if you’re struggling to create a system on your own, ask for help from friends, family, or professionals.
  • Celebrate your successes. Don’t forget to take time to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated and continue to stay organized.

Love you, Dad.


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