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Never give up

Never give up

Dear Daughter,

Today I want to tell you a story about the importance of not giving up.

Once upon a time, there was a lady named Suzy. Suzy was married and had 2 kids. Both Husband and wife had a good job.

All looked like a perfect couple and life. What could be wrong? All looks perfect. Unfortunately, it was far from perfect.

The couple had so many financial problems. 

Because of that, the husband started looking for solutions in alcohol. He was drinking a lot. Every day they were fighting.

His salary was just going to alcohol. He was rarely at home. Always out with friends.

That left Suzy with all the financial problems on her shoulder.

Suzy was trying all her best to keep a perfect life.

She was pretending that all was well. Her friends and family thought that the couple was doing well, in every part of their life.

Until one day she had a breakdown.

Her friend Lucy asked her if she is doing fine because she doesn’t look fine.

The question was enough, she couldn’t pretend anymore. It was just too much.

She cried a lot. She could barely talk.

Lucy was quiet while all the hidden emotions were released.

Lucy realized that Suzy is definitely not the person she thought. She was a good artist, for the fact that she could keep up for such a long time, pretending.

I guess, my daughter, all of us have a limit. This was Suzy’s limit.

Lucy was living in another town; she was just visiting Suzy. They both were so busy with their work and family. They had no time to visit each other regularly.

Lucy was shocked when Suzy started to take out all her problems.

“My friend is clearly in a dark hole, trying to survive,” Lucy thought.

“I really need to help my friend.”

Lucy gave Suzy a pen and paper. She asked her friend to write down all her expenses and income. She introduced her to the Budget Tracker that she is using.

Suzy downloaded the budget tracker app on her phone. Lucy told to her that is the best way of tracking her finances.

With the Tracker, Lucy explained to her friend how she could cut down on unnecessary expenses, teaching her how to live under her means.

Also, Lucy told her friend that she must first start improving herself before she could involve her husband.

The changes in her life will convince her husband to make an effort to change for the better.

Suzy was doubting that her situation would change. She believed that her life has come to an end, she was just living for her kids.

Lucy knew that this will be a tough journey. But she didn’t give up on her friend.

Every month they were revising Suzy’s finances. There were times Suzy wanted to give up. It felt like going back to the first day they started.

It was all uphill and downhill, but Lucy believes that one day, this will all be over. After a time, changes started to happen in Suzy’s finances. Suzy started to realize how she wasted money on unnecessary things.

Once she cut that out, she started to save a little bit every month. Now the time has come to introduce these changes to her husband.

The husband was surprised that his wife was more confident and stronger. He promised to try to make a change.

As it was not easy for Suzy, the same was for her husband. Suzy was patient and caring towards her husband. The husband started to drink less and spend more time with his family.

This was a journey they had to take together, holding hands.

Finally, the light started to shine in their life.

Their life was getting better. She did not need to pretend anymore. Like Lucy was taking time to review the expenses with her friend, the couple started to do the same. Sharing finances and making decisions together.

Finally, they found their financial breakthrough and happiness.

What is life without happiness and only money? Clearly not what the couple wants.

Daughter, remember everything has its time. Patience is a virtue.

The same as Lucy didn’t give up on her friend, same way did Suzy, not give up on her husband. That was their win.

Love you, Dad


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