Category: letters

  • Signs that you are on the right track to financial freedom

    Dear daughter, Today I want to tell you about signs that show you are on the right path to financial freedom. If you cannot see these signs in your life, try to make them show up, it is worth it! You live with less money than you make. All the signs I want to tell…

    Read more: Signs that you are on the right track to financial freedom
  • Work harder on yourself than you do on your job

    Dear daughter, I heard the phrase “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job” for the first time from Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn was an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. I learned a lot from his videos and books. Today, I want to talk to you about that phrase and the impact…

    Read more: Work harder on yourself than you do on your job
  • Accounting: the language of business

    Accounting: the language of business

    Dear daughter, it was great to hear that you want to learn the language of business: accounting! It is a great way to learn to pay for a seminar or classes. It saves a lot of time when you learn from someone who already did what you want to do, than learning on your own.…

    Read more: Accounting: the language of business
  • Practicing the power of now

    Practicing the power of now

    Dear daughter, As always, I’m trying to improve myself in every way I can. As you should know by now from our conversations, I understand that there are many interesting and useful things I don’t know, and by learning as much as I can, I can become a better person in many different ways. For…

    Read more: Practicing the power of now
  • Thank you letter

    Thank you letter

    Dear daughter, I feel that I don’t tell you enough how much I love you and how much you mean to me. That’s why today I want to give you this thank you letter. There are many things I want to thank you for. The day you came into my life, was one of my…

    Read more: Thank you letter
  • What is herd mentality

    What is herd mentality

    Dear daughter, Today I want to tell you a story that happened to me yesterday related to the term herd mentality. When my wife comes from work, we usually sit and share at least 1 hour talking about our day and things in general. During that period, we don’t allow any distractions or interruptions We…

    Read more: What is herd mentality
  • Never give up

    Never give up

    Dear Daughter, Today I want to tell you a story about the importance of not giving up. Once upon a time, there was a lady named Suzy. Suzy was married and had 2 kids. Both Husband and wife had a good job. All looked like a perfect couple and life. What could be wrong? All…

    Read more: Never give up
  • How to choose a career path?

    How to choose a career path?

    Dear daughter, Choosing a career path is a very important decision, especially when or if you have to decide what to study at the university level. Why is very important? Because it is what you will live from. At least at the beginning. From time to time a read about people recommending careers, and changes…

    Read more: How to choose a career path?
  • The myth about money

    The myth about money

    Dear daughter, Once upon a time, there was a guy named Joe. Joe’s family, as most families in the world, didn’t like to talk about money. Many times, and in different ways, Joe was told that talking about money is a bad thing, especially during family meetings. It was common knowledge that the “money topic”…

    Read more: The myth about money
  • The difference between employer and employee

    The difference between employer and employee

    Dear daughter, Once upon a time, there was a woman named Lucy. Lucy was a very hard worker. She was an employee, just as you are. Working for a good company that gave her good benefits: a good salary, retirement benefits, medical aid, leave days, car allowance, etc. And every day, she did her best…

    Read more: The difference between employer and employee

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